Made in Germany
Silver Mountain Targets offers their Plug-n-Play system for customized installations at ranges with up to 100 or more targets. These can be permanently or semi-permanently mounted, and are 100% waterproof. The PnP system utilises the field proven carbon fibre mics of the G2-8 mic system, with waterproof multi-target lane controllers in the pits.
For clubs, ranges, small groups of shooters, or Teams, Silver Mountain Targets offers a Line Server to coordinate the readings from a group of targets onto a single display. This allows a Match Director or Range Officer (or any shooter), to see all targets on the range. It also allows the MD or RO to change course of fire, sighters, and target faces on all targets.
If you coach a Junior Team, a number of targets and a Line Server will allow for more effective training. In addition, the hi-tech aspect of e-targets, coupled with the elimination of pit duty will help with recruitment of new juniors.
Line Servers are offered for small ranges (up to 7 targets), medium size ranges (up to 25 targets) or large installations up to 100 targets per range.
Silver Mountain Targets offers the individual shooter an unparalleled range of target systems. If you regularly travel to your local range, you’ll appreciate the portability of either the G2 Shooters-Pac or SOLO. If you have a home range, either system is easy to setup, easy to use, and allows you to do more shooting and less walking!
Early in 2018, Silver Mountain Targets revolutionised the e-target industry by taking the performance of their Pro-Line equipment and making it affordable enough for the average shooter. Whether you shoot regularly at a public range, or have a home range of your own, SOLO will meet your needs.